
Satsang – Shibir Activities

Broadly, two types of discourses are conducted by the Foundation. One are those conducted across various cities and towns in India and the other are special, focused workshops conducted at in Adalaj Gujarat, India.

Interactive Religious/Spiritual Discourses, Satsangs in form of question answers along with self-realization ceremony are held at various places. Satsangs give solutions to routine day to day, intricate & complex issues/problems within family, friends, business, jobs, etc. These sessions normally span over 3-4 days. They are open to all. Annually, approximately 3,00,000 people take advantage of such interactive sessions. In case of smaller towns, people from surrounding villages come for the sessions which are typically held in evening hours.

Special shibirs are arranged bi-annually for 8 days for the followers’ advanced spiritual progress along with facility of accommodation and food.

Separate shibir called as PMHT Shibir for understanding parent-child relationship, husband-wife relationship and issues relating to money dealings is conducted. People receive solutions to their worldly problems like ‘how to get rid of anger and worries,’ ‘how to adjust with peers and family members to live a conflict-free life’ and many more.

Books in various languages like Gujarati, Hindi, English, Marathi, Kannad, Tamil, Bengali, etc. were distributed to spiritual seekers.

Regular Activities for Children and Youth

In the today’s fast pacing technology world, life has become complicated. Children and youth are constantly dealing with multiple challenges. It is observed that issues relating to mental stress, worries, depression are increasing.

Special Summer camps and weekly, monthly sessions are held for children and youth aged 4 to 21 years. It also helps them to tackle any situation or adversity and not get depressed in the face of crisis, when they grow up into adults. The topics include how to deal with self-negativity, depression, fight against mobile addiction, healthy relationship, happy family, respect parents & teachers, friendship, importance of time, teamwork, leadership, joy of giving, Swachh Bharat, etc.

Fit Rahiye Anand ma Rahiye

With the object to stay fit & healthy, the project Fit Rahiye Anand ma Rahiye was introduced. People can give seva in the Jagat Kalyan mission and also do their daily routine (preventative better than curative) with ease, independence and self respect, etc. Physical activity also helped people in staying away from social media, TV & internet. People met each other and enjoyed interacting within themselves.

Activities includes:

 - Sports like Cricket, football, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, chess, throw ball, basketball

 - Daily yoga – Regular yoga by 250+ Bhaio, beno

 - Yoga retreats every month

Social Help

The world over was fighting covid. Due to lockdown people were facing problems in getting essentials in such pandemic. The Foundation also decided to take part in these support measures and be helpful to society. Dadabhagwan's followers all over the world were providing help in various forms possible by them. Doctors and para medical sevarthis in various centers helped people in cities, towns and villages through telemedicine as also providing guidance on Zoom meetings as to how to take preventive steps and hygiene measures.

Measures were taken to help people physically, mentally, financially by giving food packets, Ration kits, medicines, quarantine facility, workshops for giving understanding.

Dadanagar Hall & Infrastructure

Dadanagar Hall is a mammoth hall with a capacity of around 20,000 people located at Headquarters in Adalaj, Gandhinagar. It is fully equipped with big screens and modern audio / video acoustics set up. Playing area for children, parking and bhojanshala are part of the infrastructure. When attendees are in large numbers, the shibirs, workshops and camps for different groups are conducted in this hall.